Example of Mentoring the New Guy

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I'm starting to understand the complication of CRM in some countries. :lol:

However, I have had the same thoughts about a number of people I have flown with, yet I have expressed them more eloquently.

Eric Janson
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"Old School" CRM - brings back a lot of memories :roll:
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Watching it again the airport they are landing at must not be in the Terrain data base or they are miss configured for landing.

Must be a PIA hearing that sqwaking away on landing, not to mention what that does for crew complacency when its actually trying to tell you something. :roll:
Slick Goodlin
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I did a job interview with someone like that once. I think I got the job but eff that, I went and worked for someone better.

Another time there was a freelance instructor at a field I worked on who we all found out was a firm believer in the teaching principles of sarcasm and ridicule the day he had a stuck mic...
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It’s been a while, but aren’t Sarcasm and Ridicule
two of the 15 Learning Factors in the Fright Instructor

Gotta love a screamer. I’ll bet his mom was great in bed!
Neil Peart didn't need you to be his friend
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"black air has no lift - extra fuel has no weight"
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All good instructors know that what you learn FIRST you learn best.

Chuck Ellsworth
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I found that using those methods were counter productive to the teaching process.

Explaining the subject to be learned in a calm even voice then demonstrating it worked far better for me.

Once that process was complete I had the student fly the exercise and mentored him/her verbally until the exercise was done properly.

To each his/her own but the above was what I found gave the best results in teaching flying.
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